“Have a happy and healthy New Year” is a standard holiday greeting and toast. Although it’s just a saying, we should all heed the advice. What better New Year’s resolution could there be but to be happy and healthy?
One way to start 2023 off in a healthy way is to schedule a pelvic exam. At Ovation Wellness in Madison, Mississippi, our skilled and compassionate medical team can put you at ease during this exam and also answer any questions you have regarding reproductive or pelvic health.
The pelvic region is the region between your abdomen and your legs. This area includes muscles and ligaments that support the spine, intestines, reproductive organs, and your bladder and rectum.
A pelvic exam looks at these structures to check for problems and detect diseases such as cervical or ovarian cancer and reproductive health issues. Before a pelvic exam, you’ll be asked to undress and wear a gown.
During the exam, your doctor looks at your external organs, checking for signs of cysts, genital warts, irritation, or other abnormalities. Your doctor will also feel your internal organs from your stomach and pelvic area to feel for lumps or bumps.
Last, your exam will include an internal examination during which the doctor uses a speculum to open your vagina so that they can examine your vagina and cervix. At this point, your doctor will usually conduct a Pap smear, taking a sample of cells from your cervix.
During this exam, your doctor will be able to find signs of infection, uterine fibroids, abnormalities, sexually transmitted diseases, and certain cancers. In many cases, this exam is the only way to detect these diseases and pelvic issues.
If an abnormality is detected, your doctor will recommend further testing. Detecting cancer or other health issues early is the best way to treat them effectively.
A pelvic exam is a good time to discuss any questions or issues you have regarding your reproductive health or pelvic health. For example, if you’ve noticed spotting or discharge or any changes in your menstrual cycle, a pelvic exam with a trusted medical provider is the ideal time to get your questions answered and concerns addressed.
Ready to schedule your annual pelvic exam? Call our office at 601-202-1340 today.