Postoperative Instructions

Connected Care Management

Sign up today

If you want to learn more about the program, please text us at (585) 669-5686
Click here if you are ready enroll in our program and start enjoying these benefits.

Connected Care is like having a personal healthcare assistant at your fingertips, supported by the providers you know and trust!

Our commitment to your health has never been stronger. Our Care Team is now able to work with you each month to monitor your conditions and help you achieve your health goals.

What Is Connected Care?

Our program is a service for patients diagnosed with chronic conditions like overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, chronic cystitis, and pelvic organ prolapse. As part of our Connected Care program, our dedicated care team will check-in with you via calls, texts, and surveys each month to see how you're doing and help you with between-visit-needs like medication management, appointment and surgery scheduling, and information regarding therapies you may not know about.

What Is The Goal Of The Program?

We believe that by proactively engaging patients each month we can help them improve their health and better manage their conditions. This program is not a substitute for regular office visits. Rather, the program is an extension of our Care Team ... to help patients be more connected to their providers and have better access to health care options best suited for them.
Once you provide your consent to be part of our program, your healthcare provider will assign a care plan that is specific to your conditions and health goals. Our Care Team will use that care plan to proactively manage your health each month.

What Kinds Of Things Will The Care Team Discuss With Me Each Month?

• General health assessments through calls and text messages • Education on best practices for managing your specific conditions • Weekly health reminders, tips, and assistance with questions • Medication Oversight • Preventative Care Planning • Coordinating and preparing for upcoming visits

In Addition, Our Care Team Can Help You:

• Schedule appointments and follow-ups visits • Answer questions about your health, medication, and symptoms • Order medication refills, referrals, and lab results • And any other questions you may have about your health

Our Care Team will take the lead in reaching out to you each month. All you need to do is engage and participate in the program.

Here’s what we ask of you...

• Respond to text messages and complete surveys sent by your care manager so they can best track your progress • Contact your care manager any time you need help with medications, scheduling, or any other urgent health needs
It's that simple! By spending a little time each month engaging with our care team, we're confident we can improve your outcomes by giving you access to more information and end of line therapies. Most importantly, our Connected Care program is designed to prevent you from having problems and potential complications, keeping you out of the hospital and away from preventable medical expenses. Like any other office visit, medication, or procedure, there may be a small co-pay due if you haven’t already met your deductible. If you have supplemental insurance these co-pays are usually fully covered. The money you’ll save with our program will more than cover any small co- pays that might be due. If at any time you don’t find the program valuable just let us know! You can easily unenroll from our Connected Care program at any time.

We look forward to partnering with you to achieve your health goals!

Get in touch with us anytime at (585) 669-5686