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Southeast Urogyn Blogs

Stay updated with the most trusted resources in navigating the path to pelvic wellness.
I Bleed When I Have Sex: Is it Serious?
Bleeding during or after sex affects about 9% of women during their menstruating years. In most cases, it’s nothing to worry about if there’s no discomfort or pain associated with the bleeding.
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How Botox® Can Calm Your Overactive Bladder
If you need to urinate more than eight times in a 24-hour period, you may have a condition called overactive bladder (OAB). You might experience sudden urges to urinate to the point where you lose control before you can get to the bathroom.
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It's Time for Your Well Woman Exam; Here's What to Expect
Sexual and reproductive health can be sensitive issues, so it helps to have a high level of comfort with your gynecologist. One of the best ways to build this rapport is through annual well woman exams.
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The Many Benefits of a Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy
Every year, one of the most common surgeries performed on women remains hysterectomy, accounting for about 600,000 procedures across the country
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Is There a Solution for My Menopausal Symptoms?
Menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive life, and while it’s a perfectly natural life transition, the effects of menopause sometimes seem anything but natural. 
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What's Causing My Frequent Need to Urinate?
Frequent urination often results from short-term, known causes. Hit the teapot or coffee machine with too much enthusiasm and the rest of the day may seem like a continual side trip to the bathroom.
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What Treatments Can Tighten My Vagina?
It’s unavoidable that parts of your body change over time, through the natural process of aging as well as from experiences you’ve had throughout your life and the genetic tendencies passed on through your family. 
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The Link Between Postmenopause and Painful Sex
Though pregnancy and childbirth end with menopause, the enjoyment of sex should not. Yet, the loss of estrogen production when the ovaries shut down often causes changes in your body and mind that alter your sexual response,
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Do You Have Fecal Incontinence? These Dietary Changes May Help
It may be an occasional leak or a more frequent inability to control your anal sphincter, but the result — fecal incontinence — can be a frustrating and isolating condition.
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I Have Chronic UTIs: Can You Help?
Women are eight times more likely to suffer from urinary tract infections (UTIs) than men. More than half of women will experience a UTI in their lifetimes, and a third require antibiotic treatment before their 25th birthday.
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How Hormones Levels Are Evaluated
The balance of hormone levels in a woman’s body can have a real and direct impact on many of the systems in her body. The most obvious example is perhaps estrogen, the loss of which can cause a wide range of issues after menopause. 
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4 Benefits of Having Your Hysterectomy Performed Laparoscopically
When you develop certain issues affecting your uterus, including cancerous or precancerous conditions, you may decide that hysterectomy is the right approach to maintain your health.
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Is Sex Painful? You May Need an Estrogen Replacement
If you're a woman, estrogen dominates the hormone mix in your body through your reproductive years. As you approach menopause, your ovaries decrease their estrogen output, triggering plenty of changes throughout your body.
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What a Well-Woman Exam Covers
Scheduling a well-woman visit with our team at Southeast Urogyn is one of the best investments you can make in your continued good health. 
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My Urinary Incontinence Is an Issue: What Can I Do?
Losing voluntary control of your bladder happens to virtually everyone at some point in their lives. Women who have given birth or are past menopause may notice more frequent incidents because of the changes their bodies have undergone. 
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I Can't Get My Menopausal Hot Flashes Under Control: Can You Help?
The most common cause of hot flashes is menopause and, in turn, hot flashes are the most common symptom of a woman’s transition out of her childbearing years. Sometimes hot flashes last only a few years after you reach menopause
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Try This Safe and Effective Treatment if You Leak Urine When You Exercise
It’s common, after giving birth, to have a period of urinary incontinence as the muscles controlling bladder release recover from the changes you’ve been through. The problem can be magnified if you’ve had several children. 
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6 Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy and How We Can Help
Estrogen is the primary female hormone, a messenger that directs many functions in your body, including the reproductive system. Menopause occurs when your ovaries dramatically slow the production of natural estrogen
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How Often Should I Have a Well Woman Exam?
An annual physical is something of an ideal for medical care that, depending on your age and health, may not be urgent. 
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4 Surgical Options for Fecal Incontinence: Which One is Right for You?
Losing the ability to control your bowel is more than simply a logistical problem. It can lead to embarrassment, loss of dignity, and social isolation. Fecal incontinence may affect as many as 1-in-3 Americans
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Regain Control of Your Bladder with Axonics
Frequent or sudden urges to urinate can affect your daily living due to the constant interruptions. When you feel as though your bladder controls you, rather than the other way around
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Using Botox® to Treat Incontinence
The concept behind Botox® has always been simple. As a purified and diluted version of a natural and powerful neurotoxin, Botox can carefully control the response of muscle tissue around the site of its injection. 
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What Problems Can a Decrease in Estrogen Cause?
Estrogen is the primary sex hormone in women, the body’s messenger system guiding the reproductive process. There’s a dramatic increase in estrogen production at puberty and a corresponding decrease through perimenopause and menopause. 
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Sex Shouldn't Hurt
Medically known as dyspareunia, painful sex is a common problem that most women experience at some point in their lives. The reasons behind pain during sex are wide-ranging and varied, and episodes can be sparse or frequent. 
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When to See a Doctor About Vaginal Dryness
Your vagina is normally well-lubricated naturally with fluids that are maintained in part by estrogen hormones in your body. When hormone levels fluctuate, vaginal dryness is just one of the problems that arises. Dryness is a common symptom of menopause.
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5 Potential Signs of Uterine Prolapse
Almost half of all women between the ages of 50 and 80 have some level of pelvic organ prolapse. For menopausal women who have vaginally delivered more than one baby, this often specifically means uterine prolapse. 
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Why You Shouldn't Ignore a UTI
As many as 60% of American women have a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their lives. It’s therefore no surprise that UTIs are the most common infections that doctors treat every year.
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The Different Types of Urinary Incontinence
If you can’t control the release of urine from your bladder, you have urinary incontinence. This condition occurs to many women from time to time, particularly after childbirth. For some women, however, the problem can be frequent and ongoing.
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Is Vaginal Mesh Safe?
In April 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the sale of three mesh kits used for the transvaginal repair of pelvic organ prolapse
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When to Schedule a Well-Woman Exam
Staying healthy often means being active and eating right. However, included in this should be going to well-woman exams with your gynecologist.
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4 Signs of Interstitial Cystitis
Frequent urination is a common symptom for a range of conditions. However, when it appears, it’s often associated with a bladder infection, which is one of the most common conditions that affects the bladder for women.
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How do Hormones Affect Sexual Pain?
Painful sex happens from time to time for many women. It may not become an issue, though, until it happens frequently. A common symptom of menopause, sexual pain can stem from physical changes resulting from a hormone imbalance.
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Fecal Incontinence After Hemorrhoid Surgery
Hemorrhoids aren’t usually a serious condition in medical terms, but they can be quite painful and adversely affect your daily life as you attempt to cope. About 5% of Americans experience hemorrhoids, with the percentage climbing with age
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Uterine Prolapse: Early Warning Signs and Effective Treatments
Uterine prolapse — a condition in which the tissues that support the uterus lose strength — is a common affliction. In fact, up to 68% of women are believed to experience this condition at some point.
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Painful Intercourse: What to do When Lubricant Isn’t Enough
Your vagina is normally a moist place. As a self-cleaning organ, the inner walls secrete fluid to maintain healthy conditions inside. And when you’re sexually aroused
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What to do About Chronic Bladder Pain
While both women and men can develop bladder issues, it’s far more common for women. Pelvic pain often traces back to the bladder, and it can result from a number of conditions. 
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Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy: The Minimally Invasive Approach to Remedying Pelvic Organ Prolapse
As many as 68% of women suffer from pelvic organ prolapse in their lifetime. This condition can result from getting older, pregnancy, extreme physical exertion, surgery — such as a hysterectomy — and other reasons.
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Understanding an Overactive Bladder
Having an overactive bladder is more than a simple inconvenience. If leakage becomes unpredictable or you never know when or how often you’ll need to find a restroom, you may unconsciously start to withdraw from social settings. Over time
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Tips for Handling Summertime Hot Flashes
Summer heat can be unbearable. Menopausal hot flashes can also be unbearable. If you put the two together, the combination can be really unbearable.
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V-Revive: Get Access to the Latest Technology in Nonsurgical Vaginal Rejuvenation
A woman’s body is an amazing marvel of biology, within which a child develops before birth. Every stage of a womans’ life
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What to Expect During Your First Well Woman Exam
Your first experience with a gynecologist may be through a well woman exam. Unless you’ve previously received treatment for period irregularities
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What are the Benefits of a Hysterectomy?
More than 20 million American women have hysterectomies, with about 600,000 procedures performed every year. It’s the second most common surgery performed on women, after Caesarean sections. 
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Experiencing Pain During Sex? Here's Why You Shouldn't Ignore It
Painful sex is a common issue with many women since nearly 75% of sexually active American women experience it at some point in their lives.
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Advantages of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Changes in hormone balance are a normal part of getting older for women and men. Menopause, in particular, throws up plenty of side effects as lower levels
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Can Kegel Exercises Really Help Prevent Uterine Prolapse?
The number of American women who suffer from uterine prolapse isn’t precisely known. Studies show numbers ranging from 11-40%, and since the severity of symptoms varies between women, many may not even be aware of the problem.
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Fecal Incontinence: What you Need to Know
Almost 10% of Americans suffer from fecal incontinence at least once a month. Ranging from minor incidents to complete loss of bowel control, this condition tends to become an increasing problem with age. 
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How Menopause Affects Your Mental Health
Though menopause is a natural progression in a woman’s life, the symptoms — which are caused by changing hormone levels at the end of a woman’s reproductive years
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Is Incontinence Normal After Pregnancy?
If you have problems with urinary control after you’ve given birth, you’re not alone. Up to 50% of American moms experience urinary incontinence after giving birth.
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5 Causes of Chronic UTIs
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common, affecting more than half of all women at some point in their lives. Furthermore, these infections account for almost 25% of bacterial infections in women.
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When Should I See a Doctor About a Painful Bladder?
As a woman, you may be familiar with the sensations that accompany urinary tract infections (UTIs). Women are affected more often than men
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5 Reasons to Consider a Hysterectomy
A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a woman’s uterus and sometimes the cervix. While a hysterectomy is usually a last resort, there are a number of reasons why getting one may be the best option. 
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Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Well Woman Exam
While there are drivers who run their cars until every warning light turns on, even they know it’s not good for the long-term mechanical health of the vehicle.
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The Surprising Treatment Option for Your Overactive Bladder
Urinary incontinence due to an overactive bladder has a high potential for embarrassment, since the urge to urinate isn’t predictable or easy to control. In many cases
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When Should I See a Doctor About Painful Sex?
When sex becomes painful before, during, or after, you’ve developed dyspareunia, a condition caused by medical, physical, or even psychological and emotional reasons
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3 Important Things to Know About Vaginal Mesh
The effects of pregnancy, menopause, or a hysterectomy can lead to a collapse of organ support tissue in your lower abdomen
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Why Vaginal Rejuvenation Is So Popular Among Postmenopausal Women
Estrogen is the hormone that drives your reproductive life as a woman. When you reach menopause, your ovaries – the prime estrogen factories in your body – shut down, releasing no more eggs and generating no more hormones.
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What to Expect After Undergoing a Hysterectomy
If you need a hysterectomy, you’re going to undergo effects from substantial abdominal surgery, and there’s also potentially greater impact on your body if you’ve not yet gone through menopause.
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What to Consider When Choosing a Treatment for Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence (UI) doesn’t discriminate: It affects millions of adults of all ages. In fact, an estimated 20 million adults are living with the stress and embarrassment of involuntary urinary leakage
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MonaLisa Touch: How Lasers Can Reverse Vaginal Atrophy
Your body may undergo a wide range of changes after menopause, and in fact, each woman typically develops a unique combination of effects of varying intensity.
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How BHRT Can Help Relieve the Symptoms of Menopause
Many women sail through the menopausal transition with a hot flash here and there and a few irregular menstrual cycles
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3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure
You may have been considering intimate cosmetic surgery or vaginal rejuvenation for a while now and are unsure which approach is right for you
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Vaginal Rejuvenation: More Nonsurgical Options than Ever
If you’ve been considering vaginal rejuvenation as a treatment for menopause symptoms or to revitalize the appearance of your vagina
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What Causes Vaginal Dryness and How to Treat It
Vaginal dryness can cause a variety of issues that are not only uncomfortable but can be awkward to discuss. Symptoms may include vaginal itchiness or burning, abnormal discharge, and painful sexual relations.
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How Menopause Affects Your Sex Life (And What You Can Do About It)
Every woman experiences her own unique symptoms and experiences during and after menopause. Some women feel very little in the way of change
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Estrogen Levels and How They Affect Vaginal Health
At any given moment, the hormones in your body are busy regulating your systems, governing your health in innumerable ways
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Could You Have a UTI?
One out of every five women in the United States will have a UTI at some point in their lives, and these pesky and painful infections account for almost 10 million doctor visits each year.
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How Mona Lisa Touch Can Help With Painful Sex
Women are often warned to expect vaginal dryness, burning, and other discomfort after menopause that can lead to pain during sexual intercourse
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How Does Menopause Affect Your Sexual Health?
Women expect hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings when they reach menopause, but they’re often not prepared for its broader impact on their wellbeing, especially the change in their sexual health.
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How Does Botox Treat Overactive Bladder?
Many of our patients at Southeast Urogyn in Jackson, Mississippi, experience symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB). The constant urge to urinate and inability to hold your urine can really disrupt your life.
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Managing Hot Flashes and Night Sweats
If you feel like you’re contributing to global warming every time you have a hot flash, you’re in good company. Approximately 6,000 women reach menopause each day in the United States, and 75% experience hot flashes and night sweats.
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The Truth About Cranberry Juice and UTIs
Urinary tract infections affect 50-60% of women at some point in their lives. The condition can be painful, characterized by a strong urge to urinate, burning sensations, and cloudy or reddish-colored urine with a strong smell.
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Mini-Guide: Urinary Incontinence During & After Pregnancy
When you lose urine involuntarily, it is called urinary incontinence. This health condition is common in many women during and following pregnancy. Incontinence can be a pronounced issue, or it can be occasional and moderate
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Vaginoplasty vs. Labiaplasty: What’s the Difference?
It is a common experience for a woman to feel that her vaginal structures have become lax and started to sag after childbirth or with aging.
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7 Tips for Better Bladder Control
Individuals who struggle with bladder control, difficulty in getting the release of urine from the bladder to stop, suffer from the health condition of urinary incontinence
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What Can You Do When Sex is Painful?
7000 women in the United Kingdom were asked if they had ever felt pan during sex – a condition with the medical name dyspareunia. The poll, findings of which were published in the British journal BJOG
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Speaking to Your Urogynecologist about Cystitis
For many people, few things can be as anxiety inducing as new pain. This is especially true when that pain just seems to last and last with no real relief in sight
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Bladder Drop
The body is really a remarkable thing when you think about it. It’s so intricately put together, that it’s almost impossible to fathom how every little part is somehow interconnected
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The Uses of Vaginal Mesh and Complication Concerns
When it comes to medical information, there’s a lot to take in. This is especially true if you do your own research online and try to either diagnose yourself or come up with the right treatment for what you believe you have.
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Getting Your Life Back: Treatment and Relief for Painful Sex
There are certain health topics many women don’t feel comfortable discussing, which is understandable. However, you could be needlessly suffering if you haven’t brought your issues up with your doctor.
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Learn About Vaginal Rejuvenation and How It Can Improve Your Life
It’s rare for someone to actively want to go to the doctor. This is certainly true of the gynecologist. After all, you’re typically visiting because something seems amiss and you’re anxious, you’re not feeling well,
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Stop Suffering from Urinary Incontinence: The Treatments You Should Know
Have you been suffering due to urinary incontinence? This inconvenient and often embarrassing issue isn’t a popular topic of conversation
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What Causes Thinning Hair?
You may notice thinning hair as you get older; it’s an unpleasant reality for many women. Hair loss can take a toll on your self-confidence and self-image, but there’s often an underlying cause to address.
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What Is Cellulitis and How Can I Avoid It?
Cellulitis is a skin infection that affects millions of people each year, and it can pose serious health risks if left untreated.
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5 Tips for Managing Perimenopause Symptoms
While menopause often takes the spotlight when discussing changes that occur as women age, the journey typically begins earlier, during perimenopause. This transitional phase is more than just a prelude to menopause; it comes with its own set of symptoms,
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Do These Things Now to Avoid Being Miserable During Menopause Later
Most of us have heard menopause horror stories, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Although the majority of women do experience some of the symptoms associated with the change of life, they’re not always extreme. 
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How Often Should I Get a Well-Woman Exam During Menopause?
Now that you’ve passed your child-bearing years, you may wonder if you still need to see your OB/GYN for your annual well-woman exam. Though the frequency of your visits may change, you do need to continue your well-woman exams during menopause. 
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Why a Water Birth Might Be Right for You
More than 1 in 20 women in the US reportedly choose water birth as their preferred method of delivery, and even more choose to labor in a tub or pool of water to ease discomfort before giving birth. Could this be a good birth plan for you and your child?
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4 Common Causes of Female Infertility
If you’re in the middle of a fertility battle looking for answers or you simply want to be informed before you start trying to start a family, navigating infertility and its causes can be a daunting process. 
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Finding the Right LGBTQ-Friendly Provider for Your Health Needs
Finding the perfect health care provider can be challenging. It's even more so if you identify as LGBTQ. Finding a provider who understands and respects your unique needs is crucial for ensuring you always get the best health care.  
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5 Encouraging Facts About Hot Flashes
About three of four women are estimated to experience hot flashes as part of the menopause transition. This annoying side effect can last anywhere from a few weeks to a decade. However, there could be a silver lining to these typically dreary happenings.
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Are Your Menopause Symptoms Slowing You Down? 5 Helpful Tips to Help You Manage
Much like menstruation and pregnancy, menopause causes many hormonal changes, not all pleasant. Hormones control almost every body function, meaning any imbalance can have notable symptoms. If you’ve stopped menstruating and now struggle with menopausal s
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Tips for Navigating a Winter Pregnancy
Though there’s no best season for pregnancy, you may feel some relief with a winter pregnancy knowing you won’t have to deal with the hot temperatures and humidity of summer. But wintertime carries its own set of challenges for pregnant women. 
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Start the New Year With an Annual Pelvic Exam
“Have a happy and healthy New Year” is a standard holiday greeting and toast. Although it’s just a saying, we should all heed the advice. What better New Year’s resolution could there be but to be happy and healthy?
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5 Signs You May Be Suffering from a Testosterone Deficiency
When it comes to health and wellness, hormonal balance is just as important for men as it is for women, with an estimated 20% of men over 60 suffering from an imbalance. Testosterone, the male sex hormone, peaks around age 20, then starts to slowly declin
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How Do Cold Temperatures Impact Arthritis?
Whether you’re a snowboarder, skier, ice skater, or snowman builder, winter turns the tri-state area into a hub of activity for young and old alike.
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How Does Menopause Affect Your Emotions?
Menopause is a normal life stage for a woman, marking the end of her fertility. Unfortunately, the hormonal changes that occur before and during menopause have a major impact on physical and emotional well-being. 
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What Is a Bone Density Test and Do I Need One?
Osteoporosis is a silent condition. You may not even know you have it until you break a bone. One of the best ways to avoid this is to undergo a bone density test. 
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Yes, You Can Remove Hair There
Laser hair removal, when performed by a highly qualified and carefully trained professional, can be done on almost any part of your body. If you’re tired of plucking, waxing, shaving, or otherwise attempting to eradicate unwanted hair, this post is for yo
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Is Cellulite Hereditary?
Cellulite is common — so common that it’s unusual for a woman to have none. Cellulite generally appears around puberty but can become more pronounced with age. Cellulite doesn’t exist because you’re lazy or overweight; it exists because each human body ha
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Nutrition Isn’t Dieting: Understand the Difference and Unlock Your Weight Loss Goals
If you feel more depleted than energized after a few weeks of dieting, or you notice your hair falling out or your nails getting weaker, you may be the victim of a diet low in nutrients. 
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Is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Life-Threatening?
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a misnomer for many women, as you don’t need cysts on your ovaries to be diagnosed with this syndrome. Ovarian cysts are only one symptom of PCOS. 
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Weight Loss Tips for Menopausal Women
You’re not imagining things if you feel like it’s suddenly harder to lose weight since you’ve entered menopause. Researchers report that estrogen helps control body fat before menopause, but women may lose the benefit of this natural weight maintenance as
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How Your Sexual Health Impacts Your Mental Health
Protecting your sexual health allows you to enjoy more than the intimacy of sex. While sex can contribute to living a fulfilling life, it also promotes good mental health. However, issues with sexual dysfunction can interfere with sexual health and impact
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What You Should Know About Bioidentical Hormones
Since hormones play such an important part in controlling many bodily functions, it’s no surprise that women experience physical changes during menopause. While menopause affects each woman uniquely, most experience some symptoms as a result of the declin
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Adjusting to Life With Menopause
While the average age for menopause is 51 in the United States, you can experience this stage of life in your 40s or even earlier. Defined as a lack of menstrual cycles for 12 months, menopause involves more than an end to your reproductive abilities. Whe
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Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
Using traditional hair-removal methods like waxing, shaving, and tweezing can be time-consuming and frustrating. In addition to providing short-term results that are less than ideal, these treatments carry the risk of bothersome ingrown hairs, razor bumps
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Signs Your Vagina is Atrophying
Vaginal atrophy, also known as atrophic vaginitis or vaginal dryness, describes a condition defined by thin, dry, and inflamed tissue in the vaginal walls. The problem results when estrogen levels decrease and fail to produce adequate vaginal lubrication.
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Tips for Supporting Your Sexual Health
While some women feel comfortable discussing their battles with menopause symptoms like hot flashes and fatigue, many don’t easily discuss the changes in sexual health that occur at this stage of life. However, maintaining your sexual health is an importa
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5 Ways to Deal With Hot Flashes
While menopause affects every woman differently, hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms that occur at this stage of life. About 85% of menopausal women experience hot flashes, a condition that causes short and sudden feelings of heat and sweating
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Benefits of a Strong Pelvic Floor
Like many women, you’ve probably heard about your pelvic floor without really understanding where it is and what it does. That may be perfectly fine as long as it remains strong and in good health, but a weakened pelvic floor can interfere with daily acti
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Why is Weight Loss so Difficult?
You’re not alone if you’re struggling to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. In the U.S., two-thirds of adults are classified as overweight or obese. 
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What to do About Painful Intercourse
Painful intercourse, also known as dyspareunia, can interfere with intimacy and your ability to maintain a healthy sex life. While the condition can cause varied levels of discomfort, women who complain of painful intercourse typically report a sensation
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Places on Your Body That Respond Well to Laser Hair Removal
Using traditional hair-removal techniques like waxing, shaving, and plucking can be time-consuming with inconsistent results. The risk of embarrassing knicks, razor bumps, and ingrown hairs can ruin the cosmetic benefits of your efforts. 
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9 Symptoms of Low Testosterone
Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men. When it’s produced at optimal levels, testosterone helps develop and maintain many of the characteristics that make a man masculine. Your muscle mass, deep voice, and libido are supported by normal testosterone
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Why You Gain Weight During Menopause
Symptoms associated with menopause can start as early as four years before your last period and persist for an additional four years or longer. While many symptoms eventually subside as your body adjusts to hormonal changes, menopausal weight gain can mak
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Understanding Testosterone Therapy`
You’re not alone if you’re experiencing loss of muscle tone, low energy, and a decrease in sexual function. These and other symptoms that can impact your physical, mental, and emotional health are associated with low testosterone, a condition that affects
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Who is a Candidate for BHRT?
You’re not alone if you’re suffering from symptoms of menopause that make you feel unable to function normally. Up to 75% of all women experience hot flashes, episodes that cause sudden increases in body temperature without warning. For many women, these
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8 Symptoms of Menopause and How to Treat Them
While every menopause experience is unique, most women have some common symptoms that start before this phase of life and can last for years. Menopausal symptoms can begin four years before your last period and last until four years later, with about 10%
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How Changes in Your Hormones Affect Your Sexual Health
Your body produces hormones to regulate all of your bodily functions from your sleep cycle to your sexual health. And when your hormones are off, your sexual functioning and health are thrown off as well. You may experience less sexual satisfaction, funct
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How Women and Men Differ When It Comes to Weight Loss
Yes, it’s true. Women and men lose weight differently. This is likely due to the fact that men generally have more muscle mass than fat mass, thanks to their high levels of testosterone. So, one of the first ways to help women lose weight with a weight-lo
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Learn About Our All-Natural Approaches to Managing Menopause Symptoms
Menopause can be greatly disruptive to your everyday life. Once you reach menopause, the point when you haven’t had a period in 12 months, you may continue to experience symptoms for several years.
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6 Lifestyle Habits That Support Bladder Health
Bladder issues are very common in adult women. About one-quarter of American women over the age of 20 have some form of pelvic floor disorder, including a range of problems affecting the bladder.
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Understanding the Link Between Menopause and Urinary Incontinence
Menopause brings many changes to a woman's health. These changes vary in scope and intensity. Urinary incontinence can be more difficult to talk about,  and it’s an uncomfortable issue that postmenopausal women face. More than 75% of women over 65 experie
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Biofeedback for Fecal Incontinence: How It Works and What to Expect
Fecal incontinence can be an isolating condition, forcing you to avoid social situations in case of untimely accidents. In women, loss of bowel control may be the result of muscle or nerve damage related to childbirth, among other potential contributing f
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Understanding Your Treatment Options for Interstitial Cystitis
One of the diseases of a spectrum called painful bladder syndrome, interstitial cystitis creates chronic pain and urinary irregularities. Primarily affecting women, the disease has no cure, but there are treatment options that reduce the impact the condit
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Common STDs and How to Prevent Them
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) move from person to person when body fluids come into contact. You can contract an STD regardless of your age, orientation, or marital status from any kind of sexual contact, including vaginal, oral, and anal sex.
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Dealing With Loose Skin After Weight Loss? Try Our Noninvasive Skin Tightening Treatment
Studies show that nearly 70% of women want to lose weight, and most of them acknowledge that they need some support to achieve their goals. Here at Ovation Wellness, we ensure that you have every tool you need to successfully lose weight and maintain your
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