When to See a Doctor About Vaginal Dryness

When to See a Doctor About Vaginal Dryness

AUGUST 31, 2022

Your vagina is normally well-lubricated naturally with fluids that are maintained in part by estrogen hormones in your body. When hormone levels fluctuate, vaginal dryness is just one of the problems that arises. Dryness is a common symptom of menopause. 

But vaginal dryness can strike at any point in a woman’s life. Sometimes, a simple water-based lubricant is enough to get past an episode. Other times, not only is the dryness chronic, but you may have other genitourinary symptoms too. 

When your issue causes discomfort, pain, or inconvenience, visit us at Southeast Urogyn to learn about the treatment options that are right for you. Most solutions are simple and effective. 

A common issue

Almost 2 in 10 women ages 18 and 50 experience vaginal dryness symptoms that are severe enough to interfere with sex. 

While sometimes this is due to lack of sexual arousal, it may also be due to fluctuating hormone levels or exposure to chemicals such as those in hygiene products, swimming pools, or laundry detergents. 

Between the ages of 51 and 60, though, more than half of women experience vaginal dryness, with menopause-related hormone levels the most frequent reason. Experiences vary, and a minor issue for one woman could be a severe condition for another. Every woman’s response to menopause is unique. 

Part of a syndrome

Vaginal dryness could be a symptom of a condition called vaginal atrophy. It can also cause urinary system symptoms too, so it’s also called genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). 

Sometimes, you may not associate urinary symptoms with vaginal dryness, but often, treatment of vaginal symptoms also clears up the urinary issues.

Vaginal symptoms may include:

  • Dryness
  • Reduced lubrication when sexually aroused
  • Itching or burning sensations in the vagina
  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Bleeding after intercourse
  • Discomfort or pain during or after intercourse
  • Changes to the shape and feel of the vaginal canal

Urinary symptoms can include:

  • Burning sensation during urination
  • Stress and/or urge urinary incontinence
  • Increased occurrence of urinary tract infections
  • Itching sensations around the urethra

You may experience these symptoms alone or in virtually any combination. 

When to see a doctor

Though many women experience issues with vaginal dryness, few seek treatment. They may feel it’s an unavoidable part of their lives, or they may be hesitant to discuss things related to the sexual part of their lives. 

It’s time to visit with a specialist at Southeast Urogyn when you feel that your life is affected by vaginal dryness, no matter how mild the symptoms. Left untreated, dryness could take an increasing toll on your sexual life at a time when it should be full of freedom and enjoyment. 

Make an appointment when you experience urinary tract symptoms along with dryness, or when you have unusual or unexplained vaginal bleeding, discharge, or spotting. Don’t ignore recurring discomfort, as it could become pain in the future if you put off treatment. 

Contact Southeast Urogyn for the treatment of vaginal atrophy. Call the nearest office directly to arrange your appointment. We’re located in Madison and Flowood, Mississippi. The inconveniences of vaginal dryness may be gone sooner than you thought possible. Book now.