Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation | OBGYN | Together Women’s Health

Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation


V-Revive Founder | Dr. Robert Harris

Dr. Harris is the founder of V-Revive. He, along with his partner, Dr. Speights, have over 40 years combined experience with vaginal reconstructive surgery. They work closely with their patients to create comprehensive vaginal care treatment plans and they almost always assist each other in surgery so if surgery is what you need, they are there to provide you with the very best know how.

For more information about non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments, please visit:

What is the MonaLisa Touch?

The MonaLisa Touch system is a groundbreaking laser treatment designed to restore vaginal function and alleviate discomfort which can be a side effect menopause or giving birth. This procedure treats the symptoms of vaginal atrophy, laxity, and urinary incontinence including burning, itching, and dryness by employing a minimally-invasive laser. The MonaLisa Touch stimulates natural collagen production and the rehydrating the vaginal walls, effectively reducing discomfort and reversing vaginal atrophy. The MonaLisa Touch treatment uses a special fractional CO2 laser. This laser has been created specifically for applications in gynecology. No anesthesia will be needed and treatments will take about five minutes. The MonaLisa treatment is very safe and approved by the FDA. For the best results, an initial three treatment program should be administered six weeks apart. The procedure should not cause discomfort and should be repeated annually to maintain results.  This can vary from patient to patient depending on the severity of your problem so many women will want more treatments before their annual date.  This is more common in women with breast cancer who are taking anti-estrogen medications as this has a significant negative effect on the vaginal tissues.

CO2RE® Intima is another CO2 laser treatment used by the expert physicians at Southeast Urogyn. The CO2 laser treats the vaginal tissue as well as the exterior vaginal area by creating small, micro-tears within the vaginal tissue and vulva area. Doing so triggers the body to increase collagen production around the microtears as the body treats the microscopic tears. As the amount of collagen increases, the affected tissue inside the vagina becomes fuller and more plump. This refreshes the appearance of the labia and vulva, renews lubrication, and tightens the vaginal walls. 


What is ThermiVa®?

ThermiVa® is an in-office, non-surgical procedure for labia and vaginal tightening designed to address these issues using a radio frequency generator. The “S” shaped hand-piece works to tighten external and internal vulvovaginal tissue through a controlled heat, thermistor tip. The tip is also gently curved to provide comfort. Women may seek this treatment simply to improve appearance or for tightening of the vagina following vaginal childbirth or for changes associated with aging such as sagging vulvar skin or excess skin covering the clitoris. Whatever the cause for these unwanted physical changes, ThermiVa® treatments can help both women and their partners to feel more confident and happy with their intimate experiences. ThermiVa® contracts the tissue to tighten the inside of the vagina and shrink the skin on the outside of the vulva. It also stimulates collagen production and can assist with tissue and nerve healing, regeneration, and rejuvenation. This procedure is painless and takes about 20-25 minutes. There is no recovery and you can resume all activities, including intercourse, immediately.


What Is the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® was created to help women regain vaginal sensation and reclaim their sex life all in one painless and quick procedure. O-Shot® is administered by injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from a woman's own blood into her clitoris and vagina (G-spot). The method of preparing platelet-rich plasma is regularly used in orthopedic, plastics, and other specialty surgical treatments, but has recently been used in supporting vaginal rejuvenation. PRP is what the body uses to heal itself, and by injecting it back into the body, it stimulates unipotent stem cells to generate new tissue growth with enhanced function, leading to healthier, more sensitive vaginal and clitoral tissue. Not only does the O-Shot® rejuvenate a woman's ability to orgasm, it increases the blood flow that enhances sensitivity, improving and intensifying sexual response and function.

Who Can Benefit From These Procedures?

Women with conditions that cause hormonal change, such as vaginal atrophy, breast cancer survivors, and those who have had a hysterectomy often find the treatment beneficial. The symptoms of these conditions, especially pain during intercourse and urinary pain or incontinence, are very distressing and can be alleviated with the non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments available at Southeast Urogyn.

For additional information and videos please visit:


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